Fresh Start’s top tips to get your morning sorted

We’re big believers in starting the day the right way! It’s amazing how much we can achieve before we start work, or take our first sip of our morning coffee.

Have a read of our top tips to help you have a great start to your day! 

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Have a read of our top tips to help you have a great start to your day! 

Wake and Meditate!

It’s well known that the benefits of meditation are immense, with improved focus, mental clarity and stress management to name a few. Adding meditation to our daily routine can prove to be very beneficial for our mental health and wellbeing, and a popular time of day to meditate is first thing in the morning. Morning meditations not only set your mind up for a busy day ahead, but can also give you an energy boost. During meditation not only our mind, but our body too is able to fully relax, without being in a constant state of fight or flight (yes, there’s low levels of this happening even when we sleep!), so people often find themselves feeling energetic following meditation!  

Early Exercise 

Early exercise isn’t for everyone but getting up and exercising first thing is a sure fire way to tick off our daily exercise! Lots of us are great at getting out for an evening walk or lunchtime pilates class however work, kids, dinners out or other commitments can often derail our exercise plans, even if we did have the best intentions! Not only does morning exercise kick start our metabolisms, but it can mean we skip those pesky indigestion issues (especially if we’re exercising fasted). 

Summer Breakfast Solutions 

With the warmer summer weather breakfast tends to change from warm porridges or scrambled eggs to a much lighter fare. There’s so much incredible fruit to base our breakfast around, or plenty of tasty greens if our palate is more aligned with a savoury breakfast. 

Here’s some of our favourite summer breakfast ideas: 

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